Whether you’re newlyweds or have been together for years and years, there are always ways to keep your marriage strong and God-centered. Here are ideas to strengthen your Christian marriage.

Remember What Love Is

Now, you’re likely not unfamiliar with love. But reminding yourself what love is will help you in times of trouble.

After all, love is not just a feeling. It is a deep unity – maintained by the will and reinforced by the grace that both partners ask and receive from God. It is about giving, about action; love is not passive. When in doubt, turn to 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 to remember what love is: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.”

Communicate with One another

The best way to strengthen a Christian marriage is to work on communicating. This means to not only talk to one another daily but also listen.

You may be talking to your husband or wife every day, but are you really connecting when you talk? Or are you saying things in passing? If you don’t know what is going on with each other, then you will lose an emotional connection. This can then spark misunderstanding and hurt feelings. Make some time outside of your kids and activities to sit down and visit with each other. Listen to what each other has to say. Practice active listening by retaining eye contact, listening without jumping to conclusions, and asking questions (when they are done talking).

Practice Forgiveness

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you” (Colossians 3:13).

Holding grudges and self-pity can lead down a dark path. It is crucial to practice forgiveness in a marriage. Remember, forgiveness does not mean whitewashing what has happened. It means moving on in the relationship, learning from the experience, and using what you learn to build a stronger marriage.

Spend Time with Each Other

A couple cannot strengthen their relationship without spending time together. Even with hectic schedules, it’s important to find time together to enjoy each other’s company. Compare your calendars and find a full day, afternoon, or evening that works for the both of you. Mark it off, and look forward to your time together!

Even if you see each other every day around your home, you’re not always connecting in a way that builds your relationship. Having intentional time to be with each other can help.

Take the Initiative

Don’t let excitement fade away into comfortability. To keep the spark, both husband and wife must work on balance and take the initiative. It’s easier to wait for your spouse to suggest going out for a date, but if you’re both waiting for each other to make a move, nothing will happen! Act on ideas for doing things together, and you’ll keep your marriage strong, fun, and loving.

Encourage Each Other

Encouraging your spouse is a wonderful way to help them feel loved and noticed. So, don’t forget to be their biggest cheerleader! Sometimes, life is frustrating, and there will be things that your spouse does that annoy you. But having a critical spirit will eat away at your marriage if that’s all you focus on and respond to.

To get into the habit of regularly encouraging your husband or wife, set an alarm once a week to leave a sticky note, send a text, or leave a voicemail telling them why you’re proud of them, why you love them, or what you noticed was thoughtful that week. A little encouragement can go a long way in strengthening your bond.

Stay Strong in Faith

The biggest way to cultivate a strong Christian marriage? Stay strong in faith together. Couples who worship, pray, read Scripture, and go to church together have stronger, happier marriages. Your faith in Christ becomes the strongest tie that binds you together. So, don’t let it slip. Pray for your husband or wife, set aside time to read scripture together, attend church service every Sunday together, and consider attending other church activities, too. People say you need glue in a marriage – belief in God is the strongest glue of all!

Come Visit Christ Lutheran Church

We hope these tips help you build an even stronger Christian marriage. If you’re looking for a church to attend with your spouse or family, we’d love to invite you to visit us here at Christ Lutheran Church in Montrose, Colorado! We teach the Bible as God’s unchanging Word. Jesus’ salvation is the focus. His love and care for us guide our prayer lives. We would love to have you plan a visit or connect with us. God bless you as you pray to Him and praise Him!